Some recent posts indicate that perhaps we need to be clearer about what is acceptable for posting here.
Just because a video is on Youtube or some other public platform doesn’t automatically mean that it’s ok to post it here. Context is important. We are a pornography forum so the posting of content featuring children or talking about their genitals for our entertainment is not permitted.
This includes children asking people about their genitals (size, look, whether they’re circumcised, etc), children depicting or describing genitals, adults describing a specific child’s genitals.
Exceptions to the above include research papers, news items, etc where the focus and intent is education rather than entertainment.
There will be borderline cases but if the idea of your video being displayed in the Latest Discussion feed next to a video of a woman sucking a penis seems a bit off or creepy, perhaps it shouldn’t be posted.
As always, if you’re unsure, please ask either Admin or me via the Private Discussions link in the left-hand menu bar on the homepage or hover over my name on any post, click the 3 dots at top right of the pop-up and choose ‘Send Squirrel a message’.