She says: “Before porn I was like ’I hate uncircumcised dick, like they’re so gross and ugly’, but then you have one, you’re like ‘this is husband material dick’”.
I’ve said this before but that one sentence perfectly encapsulates the thought progression of so many US women once they actually have sex with someone who is intact.
The following comments and questions from the guys also pretty much sum up the oaf-level ignorance of people who will presumably have some say in whether any sons they may have are mutilated.
Even immediately after, one says “Sucks to be Catholic” and “Thanks a lot, Jesus”, completely unaware that the majority of Earth’s (the bit outside of the US) Catholics are not circumcised. The irony, which he is also oblivious to, is that the early Christian church (still basically a heretical Jewish sect) knew that the Greeks weren’t going to stop eating pigs or start slicing bits of their dicks off, when they were trying to sell their version of the story to them. Essentially, being a Catholic meant that you could worship this dominant tribe’s weather god but didn’t need to get circumcised.