Talk 7:00 “if you are uncut great news the entire head of your dick is going to be so so so sensitive I’m sure this is not news to any men who are listening you have uncut penises but yeah so much more sensitive the foreskin can take a fair bit of abuse I hate to say abuse that some so mean oh my Dom feels are coming out but it could take a fair bit of pressure and that you wouldn’t be able to put directly on the head of his dick now the foreskin will move and sometimes it doesn’t move as far back on some penises as it does on others but you can pull it down and you can pull it up and you’re not doing any you know causing him any discomfort by doing that so don’t worry about it.”
Talk 19:00 “now so let’s talk technique first thing you’re going to use a little less pressure when he is uncut because you can actually cause him pain and that’s not the kind of pain that he probably would enjoy okay you can play with a foreskin you can nibble it suck it fairly hard you could pull it over the head and then you can dip your tongue inside the foreskin and trace around the head with it well it’s still inside running your tongue between the two and I just want to um remind you and don’t forget to tell your partner how much their dick turns you on how much you love the way it looks the foreskin that goes a long way to you know building a solid exciting intimate sexual experience whether it’s a one-night or whether it’s a long-term relationship we all need to hear that our bodies are beautiful even their most intimate parts okay.”