Talk 0:13 “today I want to talk about foreskin porn so what is foreskin porn you may ask well foreskin porn is exactly what it sounds like porn with the foreskin in it so if you’re not familiar with this topic I would highly encourage you to see what foreskin is for yourself what is it to be uncircumcised or intact as the proper term is what is it to have your whole penis that nature built for you over billions of years it evolved to be the most sensitive part of your penis so I would encourage you to actually go look up foreskin porn on Google or you can look up a great series is called women who love uncut cock or uncut cock masturbation you know get creative whatever you want to look for you can find it somewhere you know look up foreskin or uncut cock plus whatever you want to see done with that foreskin and there’s endless opportunities to yourself if you are a circumcised male or a woman who unfortunately does not have an intact partner lives in a circumcising society where up until 20 years ago most men were circumcised sorry but you’re missing out on a lot and as you’ll see in these videos the foreskin is actually the most sensitive part of the penis.”