[At the risk of hijacking talk about this board with talk about the old one at aceboard] The truth is that we don't know what happened or, really, why it happened.
Aceboard was never a service where you got any proper support or notice on prev occasions when it was down or explanations when it came back up. But it was free so quite good value for money. Face, Comix, and I had talked about going somewhere better but we didn't want to lose all of the content and you can't port it (so would have been a lot of work).
Anyway, for whatever reason the owner of the aceboard domain shut up shop. All of a sudden, none of the forums were accessible, not just ours. I noted from the DNS record that the domain name reg was due to expire on 26 May 2012 and that has now come to pass - aceboard is no longer in the DNS database.
If I had to guess, I'd say that the domain owner didn't want to keep paying domain name reg and hosting fees as they prob weren't making any money from the boards.
Anyway, we're here now so let's try to make this one as kick-ass as the previous one.