MAGA4SKIN24 None of these posts really consist of women explicitly “HATING” circumcised dicks themselves. Sure, they’re expressing a dislike of the practice of circumcision, but it’s not like any of these girls are expressing hatred of circumcised penises or circumcised guys themselves. It would be nice to see some girls saying “I hate circumcised dicks”, “Circumcised dicks are ugly as fuck and are disgusting, and I would never date a circumcised guy”, “Circumcised dicks are so gross and revolting. I only fuck uncut men and would never have sex with a circumcised loser”, or anything like that. Do you have anything that’s actually really harsh and really brutal? Honestly, I feel like I’m the only person in the world who is willing to be extremely, extremely, EXTREMELY fucking brutal as fuck when it comes to hating circumcised penises and making fun of circumcised dudes. I wish more people would do it to the extent that I do.