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Inspired by Circumcision.com sale, Yahoo goes after Uncut.com
Posted by DomainGang on July 19, 2012 · 14 Comments
Marissa Mayer is known as CEOilf amongst her former peers, Google.
Yahoo! is investing $250,000 in the domain name Uncut.com and plans to develop it into a web site that is fighting the obsession of Americans with the Abrahamic religions‘ tradition of penis foreskin mutilation.
“The new web site, Uncut.com, will feature before and after pictures of a male penis, to deliver the message: America, leave the male organs alone!” exclaimed Yahoo! CEO, Marissa Mayer.
“Yes, we go for the shock factor, and we plan to get the domain from AOL that’s using it in a silly way of delivering unedited news. We have grand plans and I personally intend to get fully involved in the Uncut.com redesign,” added the Yahoo! CEO.
The pregnant, newly-hired Yahoo! executive is credited for the minimalistic Google homepage, something that took hundreds of hours to accomplish.
By acquiring Uncut.com from AOL and its conversion into a web site that will raise awareness for the practice of penis foreskin mutilation, further establishes Marissa Mayer as a “CEOilf” – an acronym dangerously close to MILF.
The $250,000 investment for Uncut.com will be all in cash. Yahoo! is going on a shopping spree on its way to recover its former glory as a top search engine portal.
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