Also, the average tube commenter's stupidity knows no bounds. Why must EVERY upload of a foreskin humiliation fetish video be littered with misogynistic insults toward the actress, or general "but foreskin is good she's crazy!" whining. Yeah, we know - IT'S A FETISH VIDEO, SHE'S ACTING! I wouldn't be so perplexed by this if it weren't for all the other femdom videos that get all the guys playing along, "Oh spank me, I'm worthless!" I'm the biggest intactivist I know, and I don't get why men on the internet are generally so defensive about their foreskins. I stopped being so vocal about it excpet for forums where it's genuinely appropriate, for fear of looking just as insecure. They're like the bronies who have to take every opportunity to announce to the world that their fandom isn't about fucking horses and wearing dresses, whenever My Little Pony gets mentioned in a video.