Allow me to try to make things clear for you one more time. This site is what it is - a place for all things related to women enjoying mens' foreskins. It is not for topics about people enjoying women's clitoral hoods, labia minora, labia majora, breasts (of any size), ear-lobes, nostrils, elbows, or any other part of their anatomy.
In case you think that this is somehow prejudiced against women, let me point out that this site is also not for material pertaining to women enjoying mens' nipples, ear-lobes, nostrils, or anything else apart from foreskin.
This particular section of the Videos forum is called "Erotic Humilation" and it is specifically for videos of men being humiliated by women for being uncircumcised, or slightly more general humiliation where there is a focus on, or specific attention paid, to an uncircumcised penis. If you were really interested in viewing videos of woman being humiliated for having small breasts, you would be out trawling the web for sites containing that material (and there are plenty to find). Instead, you prefer to troll here.
Let me be very clear. If you don't like the subject matter, don't view it. You have no right to complain about the lack of the opposite gender equivalent of any material or discussion here. You have no right to troll other contributors in this manner. This is undesirable behaviour.
I thought that you might have learnt your lesson after you [Login to see the link] some 1½ days before you posted the above. Clearly that is not the case. Let this be your last warning.