Squirrel wrote
wtd2000 wrote
did you check it out? is it worth the time spent to download?
I haven't watched it but from the screencaps it looks like pretty standard euro-porn. As far as I can see all of the girls are Euro pornstars so I doubt that this will be their first experience with an uncircumcised penis. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Hustler just bought a bunch of scenes from some Euro producer and packaged them up with this bogus theme to tie them together.
I'd be very surprised if there is any mention or even a look of surprise by the girls when they see they guys' cocks. There is probably very little skin forward action let alone actual play so don't get your hopes up.
I'd be very happy to hear that I am completely wrong about this.
I can confirm that Squirrel's prediction was correct :-(
In fact, it sucked and not in a good way. There were four chapters and the first three had the most annoying guys ever on them. The first one had this wog going on in broken English 'you like bannana eh?' I was wishing the girl would shove a banana up his ass and kick him in the balls.
Then the second and third episodes were some guy pretending to be a photographer who wouldn't shut up.
And the fourth was a bj in a sauna of a guy with a small dick by an ok looking blonde where the guy at least shut up. But by then it was too late.
I didn't listen to all of the audio because I had to skip ahead it was so bad but I can guarantee you that there was no talk or play. It was just s=low budget Euro porn that they found in the bargain bin and labled 'uncut'.