Squirrel wrote
The irony is that Rocco is actually circumcised albeit fairly loosely. Something he was talked into getting done when he started working in the US and has since regretted.
Actually, I remember reading that he got it done in Germany and in an interview he said he did it because he was depressed that his mother had cancer or had died and he wanted to make himself suffer. (Not exactly logical but that’s what he said.) I also read an interview with Ron Jeremy about how he was hanging out with Rocco afterwards, after Rocco had torn his stitches, and was trying to sooth it by dipping it in milk.
There was also an urban legend going around that he had to get circumcised due to damage from [Login to see the link] biting his penis. (see for example: answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20150304101050AA5341T) That’s definitely not true but I can see how it got started. She did bite his penis but the director locked her in a trailer before she did any real damage. And the biting incident happened back in 1989 and Rocco was still uncut for some years after that.
And yeah, he regrets it. In fact he called his decision ‘catastrophic’. Siffredi, who calls his decision “catastrophic,” says that with a foreskin, “you can feel much more fun.”
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