hypantdriad wrote
Squirrel wrote
Sorry to read that. I've read that the difference in sensitivity between the foreskin and the glans can be compared to the difference between your lips and your cheek. The glans has deep/firm touch sensors but not many light touch ones, whereas the foreskin has thousands (plus stretch sensors).
The lack of feeling that you mention when working up to orgasm is pretty common in guys who have had most of their inner foreskin removed. This can also mean less control so that the orgasm almost catches you by surprise with a sudden build-up during the last few seconds (again, because those missing nerves are not providing that data to your brain - which is also your biggest sex organ).
MrMeTheFirst wrote
Btw, my current wife prefers intact.
Ironic! This is why you should never do anything drastic if you're only doing it to please a partner.
Yes the on/off issue with cut guys. Do you think you have more control and ability to edge with uncut as you can sense the feelings more?
Squirrel, that's pretty accurate. I definitely take longer but I also have less warning and control over when I cum. I went from having sensory input from my entire penis to only my desensitizes up head. My issue is usually that it just takes me too long, so the lack of notice isn't really a problem. To get there, I need to focus and keep a very specific rhythm for an extended time. I go from almost nothing through, to "oh this is starting to feel nice" for a few seconds, to being at the point of no return and knowing that I'm going to cum soon, to orgasming. Sometimes, my wife gets a little soar and needs to finish me off with her hands and mouth. The abruptness there can be an issue, because I can't always give her enough warning and she might end up getting it in her face or having to wash her hair or something when she hadn't planned on it. I wonder if it'd be slightly different for me if I had some inner foreskin left. My scar is less than one mm from my glans. The doctor did an excellent job of putting form before function.
Before me, I think she had a slight preference for uncut. I think I solidified it. We have great chemistry over all, so our sex life is great because of that, but it can often be frustrating and require patience from both of us. We know she's going to need to be very warmed up because I'm so tight and, since I'm missing so much sensory input, it's hard for me to handle a slower build. My body tells me "Not feeling enough. Go harder. Go faster". So, when we get to penetration, I either go so slow that I have trouble feeling enough to stay hard or I go too fast and she gets uncomfortable, or if it's aligned just right I stay hard and go along at a pace that does nothing for me until she's ready for me to pick up the pace. Then things improve to me feeling slightly more than nothing and periodically being told to slow down a little. If I'm lucky, she'll cum before she gets soar. More likely, she gets soar before she cums and has me stop an wed take care of of each other with other methods. Sometimes she'll climax before getting soar and then finish me off after. Every once in a while, she'll be able to hold on long enough for me to cum inside her. She's go saintly patience and is quite sympathetic towards what I'm missing. She's also been kind enough to tease me about being circumcised, which I'd told her is a turn on for me and also giver her an outlet to complain about my circumcision. Before she knew about that kink, she just kept that all to herself and had said that after she learned it got me off, having that outlet to complain about my circumcision has been almost therapeutic to her and helped her come to terms with my rather excessive circumcision.
angelapink wrote
What's a CI number?
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It measures how circumcised someone is. I think it was started to help those restoring track their starting point and progress, thought the higher numbers could certainly apply to people who've never been cut. I'd thought it went from 1 to 10, though the page I linked added a 0. Before, I was probably about a C7. Now, I'm easily a C0.