There are a few guys who have used a soldering iron on them. That's a bit alarming but the results are amazing:
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(I think you have to make an account to view photos.)
So off I went to eBay to look at soldering irons, which led me to cauterizing pens, which led me to the "Mole Freckle Pen":
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The one I got comes with two kinds of tips and there are no lasers involved despite the eBay title. I also ordered a tube of 5% lidocaine cream and both items arrived in just a few days.
I put a generous amount of the cream on my corona and rolled the foreskin over that, which made that process simple. After 45 minutes, my glans felt surprisingly numb and I felt no pain at all as I used the needle tip on settings 1 and 2 to burn each papule. I did have a little bit of bleeding but it was a pretty low-drama process. Possibly the worst part is the burning-hair smell, so I had a fan going.
I was pretty timid on the first go, so I think I'll need to go back over it, maybe at setting 3. However, it's already a huge improvement and I'm really pleased with the results.