Squirrel wrote
For the non-Aussies, the contestant espousing those ill-informed but firmly-held views is ex-politician (but still-racist) David Oldfield.
On the political spectrum he is slightly to the right of Ghenghis Khan (although he would not be happy to be seen in his company on the account of him not being of Anglo-Celt heritage).
OMG! I didn't realise that was David Oldfield! He was a third-party member of NSW parliament (for those of you in the US that's the equivalent of a State Rep or State Senator) and kept making butt hurt speeches when the Health Minister kept refusing to remove the state ban on circumcisions.
Oldfield used to date Pauline Hanson but they had a rough falling out. I actually like a lot of her policies but she's too flakey to ever win or run a government. Everytime her party wins some seats it self destsructs from in fighting.
Maybe she suffered brain damage from rough sex with Oldfield or something. Because he's circumcised he probably donkey punched her hoping for that little bit of extra stimulation on his numb keretanised glans.