girlscircumcisingmen wrote
not wanting people to think in any way that I'm anti semetic but some of this shit relly make me angry also strangly turn on but still pissed an if you look at how close circumcision is in importance of culture to both jewish culture an the culture of females it begins explaining not only why anti semitism is so prominent but why alot of guys are not only anti semetic but in some cases anti female when you mess with any entire group genitals you tend to have atleast some back lash.
sorry if the above was not appropriate I can not make it any nicer then what I posted.
A couple points.
On the question of anti-Semitism, you can be opposed to religion and religious gentile mutilation without being anti-sematic. A lot of people don't understand this but Jews are both an ethnicity and religion and there are a very large number of non-religious / atheist Jews. My mother is an atheist Jew who did not circumcise her son. Two out of the 5 women I have dated have been non-religious Jews who had no issues with my foreskin.
On "culture of females" there are indeed some really nasty strains of feminism out there, but keep in mind that men are a 100 times worse. Rape, domestic violence, body shaming, and generally dickish male behavior. The fact that women are capable of the same horrible shit that men perpetrate at vastly higher rates speaks much more to the truly fucked up society we live in which suppresses human sexuality (especially for women), forces women (primarily) engage in the unpaid labor of child rearing, and promulgates backward religious views. And that doesn't even touch the issues of poverty and race.