squareglobe wrote
Strange how they describe it as "A circumcision is when a doctor removes the extra foreskin at the tip of the penis." I'm pretty sure there is no "extra foreskin". It's not like been born with an extra finger.
From what I've heard and read, it's pretty standard for pro-circ people to use minimising language like that to create the impression that it's an insignificant thing - both the body part that you or your child will be losing and the actual operation. Usually they say "extra skin" or "excess skin" but either way the words chosen are meant to convey that the foreskin is simply something to be gotten rid of without any thought.
Another common trope is to claim that circumcision just removes "the tip" or "the skin at the tip" rather than sometimes more than half the penis skin depending on morphology. This is prob why so many people seem to think that it's just the overhang that gets cut off.
The last bit of common misinformation given out is to say that circumcision is a "simple procedure" (not operation), with no mention of the complications and, in the case of infants, deaths that have resulted from undergoing a medically unnecessary operation.