Omegutted My personal experiences... Told her in advance. She very much preferred uncut, had been with it before, and definitely knew what to do with it. Told her in advance. This woman was a virgin and didn't really know the difference, and didn't seem to care either way. Told her in advance. Unlike my other partners, she didn't care one way or the other at all. She just wanted it to be clean and for any guy to know what to do with his dick (or tongue, or fingers...) Told her in advance. Oddly, she had claimed to be with uncut before but was still somewhat apprehensive about mine and not knowing what to do. Ended up liking uncut a lot. Dropped hints but kept things ambiguous. I was her first intact guy, but our first experience I was already hard and retracted. She noticed something was different when jerking me off but didn't say anything. We later discussed things and while she originally found it weird/different, she likes uncut now. Things are way more interesting if you don't say anything upfront, I think!
arronsanders Living in the midwest, USA, most girls have never had an uncut guy. It's a gamble, but if you bring it up like you are proud of it, it can can ignite their curiosity in a heck of a good way. Only did it a couple times but it worked.