I don't get why you consider her response to be "braindead" (or super cliched for that matter).
Her first answer is actually pretty intelligent. She reverses the original Q to ask whether the guy asking the Q prefers circ'd or uncirc'd vaginas, with the obvious implication that since he prefers them to be uncirc'd why should a woman prefer anything different regarding penises.
He avoids answering the Q by saying that it's not a thing and she corrects him on that.
She then goes on to say that if you're having sex with a condom, it won't feel much different to the woman either way but, if you're not using a condom, then uncircumcised feels better. She then elaborates on that with the hot dog analogy saying she prefers it "with a bun"; ie uncirc'd.
She does then say that she finds it easier to give a blowjob to a circ'd penis but this might simply be from a lack of experience with uncirc'd partners. She lets herself down when she mentions the cleanliness trope and then gets carried away with her hyperbolic explanation but I still wouldn't call her "braindead".