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An article you may be interested in. Somewhat the usual, woman wants it done no matter the reasoning pretty much. Here's a couple quotes before you click.
"If you’re going to make an argument for “the way god made makes the body” and hurting a baby, please refrain from commenting."
"He is un-circumcised, but sex with him has always been pleasurable."
(lol "but" it's pleasurable. Obviously you can see what she is about)
"Sorry to get graphic, but as an example, he always pulls the skin over the tip of his penis before he “puts it inside”, rather than the whole tip being exposed. When I am pleasing him orally, I can’t pull the skin back too much, or it’s uncomfortable. There have been times where something has clearly “hit a nerve” or felt weird, and he looses his erection (very rare, but it’s happened about 20 times in 8 years). My experience being with men who are circumcised has never been an issue - and I’ve slept with probably 20-25 men. Perhaps growing up with everything exposed has made their penises stronger. This is the first reason I would like to get my son circumcised."
It's so weird reading these types of articles or even youtube comments. You would think it's the hardest (no pun intended) and dirtiest part of your body to clean. It's as simple as can be. I have never had an issue in my entire life. And no other males in my family that I know of for that matter. But my theory is, and I have said this before, is that for women like this they feel safer hiding behind the cleanliness bullshit instead of saying what they really want which is they love how it looks and they want their son to look that way. Some women say it very openly but I think most use this cleanliness excuse. I have never even had a smell that I can remember and very little smegma which smegma is NORMAL and women produce more smegma than men. So, it's obvious they just want it because they like it and will use any manipulation to get it. Especially when your husband is intact and everything is fine but you need your son to be cut so badly? Hmm.