No, i think somebody who tortures babies on a daily basis and will continue it his whole live, because he gets rich from it, is a bigger threat to society than someone who maybe accidentally killed someone and will never do it again.
Also in so many countries there are death sentences performed for minor crimes like owning or producing pornography, using drugs or even being raped or being gay or having the wrong political opinion. I guess those even make the majority of death sentences.
I am strongely opposed to death sentence usually, especially when it could be done to someone who is actually innocent. But someone who mutilates thousands of screaming babies for sure is not innocent in my eyes.
The ancient Greeks might have had many flaws, but at least they recognized circumcision just as a terrible crime as it is.
Don't worry, i will not go out and maybe contradict any intactivist movements with this controversal statement.
But it is strange to me that people that are actually in a foreskin fetish forum seem to not even love their penis much enough, that they don't think someone cutting an essential part of it off is a dangerous criminal.
This is how normalized this horrible practice has actually become. Also thousands of boys over the whole world die from it yearly and I think I never read, that the performer was actually punished.
I personally would rather lose one foot or one eye than my foreskin. Hell, i even lost one testicle and would never trade it for a circumcision.