A few days ago, I decided to disembark on a project to remaster a few old 240p videos I liked.
Sethcc's Long Foreskin Handjob: [Login to see the link]
Sethcc's Long Foreskin Handjob 2: [Login to see the link]
Long Red Nails Handjob: [Login to see the link]
Sexyclaire's Attention to an Uncut Cock: [Login to see the link]
Download link for all videos: [Login to see the link]
I spent some time looking for smart upscaling software. Most of them either didn't work or required payment. The best option was a free trial for Topaz's Gigapixel. Gigapixel only upscales pictures, not videos. I ended up extracting all of the frames from each video, upscaling it through Gigapixel, then stringing them back together into a video; it was a nightmare doing this. I ended up only upscaling them to 720p. It wouldn't have looked much better at 1080p, and it would've lagged my computer badly (not to say that it wasn't already laggy working with 720p frames). After upscaling, I popped the videos into a program called Hybrid that interpolated the frames and converted the videos to 60FPS.
This was a one off thing I decided to do; I don't plan on remastering any more videos, especially considering how much of a pain it was. I hope you guys enjoy.