See what I did there? (private)
You can already finish the sentence of the first airhead before she says anything. But here’s the weird thing, she said her very first guy was not circumcised and “it definitely didn’t smell the same. Which is fine, but I just wasn’t used to it.” Used to what? It was your FIRST GUY. Even the way she talks sounds fake which is unfortunate because she’s actually attractive.
Please for the love of God let their be channels where ignorant guys body shame women every video. And let this make into movies and tv shows soon after! Please! OK I’m done. lol
The whole thing is in bad taste as expected. Even when they try to pretend they know or understand, it’s all for shaming. And I have no respect to the doctor at the end for trying to turn it around on her own in her separate little video clip. If you cared you would be on the floor with them discussing it, not making yet another video based on laughing and bad info on “uncircumcised” guys. How do women really think they smell man? I have smelled women at my job who smell funky through their clothing!
I think women should have labiaplasty to remove the “EXTRA” labia and they need to have their clitoral hoods removed. They can keep their clits. Right, fellas? Fucking airheads.