circhead wrote
Now I'm wondering about his circumcision. That's pretty fast for activity and there's no stitches around it, just something at the bottom. I wonder if he got a frenulum tie or maybe they did the dorsal cut thing, then rolled it back and stitched it. Nothing looks removed, just rolled back almost permanently. The bit behind the head is just the foreskin that would be covering it. So I'm curious if this is a new treatment or something.
Looks like a regular low freehand cut to me. A dorsal slit, especially on an adult, leaves a giant wad of skin (the entire foreskin) hanging on the ventral side. Given the mess of scar tissue he had, I doubt any urologist would have done that, and that's also likely why a high cut wasn't an option.
The frenulum area heals slowest, so that's why we're seeing a stitch still poking out. The rest have probably fallen out.
On an earlier point, high or low is unrelated to tightness. You have high to low and loose to tight and any combination along those axes, so low and loose is possible. "High and tight" seems to be the circ fetish preference, but there are fans of low as well.