zigzag wrote
Thanks circhead! It's nice being able to let things out on sites like this and being able to be myself even online with strangers lol.
Yes I have heard women talk about size all the time from high school till now. I work in offices mostly because of my financial background and worked at banks before. Needless to say I had majority female coworkers. Regardless if I was there or me and other guys I had female coworkers talk about size of men frequently. They would insult a date or complain about a ex. Sometimes just talk about size or preferd size in general. It honestly got uncomfortable at times and they actually expected us to join in. I don't know my size never got complaints but even if I did I'm not telling them or agree with their bashing it's stupid. Funny we are told all the time about harassment and not to make others feel uncomfortable but it's a double standard. Women can say or talk about what they want but if guys started insulting women or talk about breast size we get a harassment complaint thrown up our ass it's bullshit with today's society but I degrees.
Not to sound too insulting or naive even but wow I never experienced what you have circhead. In all my life I can honestly say I never had women say to me or if I just overheard their conversation that they circumcised their baby or complained a date was uncircumcised. Yes size was brought up but not circumcision. I am not trying to sound I'm death or blind to things but this honestly never happened. Not saying women never talked about it but never with me.
I mean women coworkers would announce pregnancy or talk about baby showers and bring in babies all the time but circumcision just wasn't brought up. When it came to talking about dates was never brought up either. And I'm talking about not just coworkers but my female friends, my wife's and past girlfriends' friends, girls from school etc. circumcision or uncut just wasn't a topic of conversation.
Sorry if I'm sounding shocked but I kinda am. I know you might not believe me but it's through maybe I'm just naive I don't know not something I want to change at this point. It's hard to think we have such different experiences about women or life in general about being uncircumcised. Is it because we live in different countries? Different Cultures? Or what?
Sorry if I'm sounding weird or uncaring that's not my attention! I know you gone through alot and it's stupid and unfair. Maybe i have different luck or can tune things out better but I am sure I would remember women at least talking about circumcision if I heard them. But yeah I agree guys are using this as a tactic as stupid as it is. Guys are idiots and girls can be bitches not much else to it.
Thanks for these posts circhead at the very least it's opening my eyes to how naive I am. My life has been sheltered I guess to a point wish things were different and that guys aren't treated bad for shallow things like foreskin but it's pointless to debate now. I'll stop now thinking too much lol and I don't think my attempt at sounding like a wise old man will help anyone anyways.
I wouldn't say you're naive, you're just from another country. And probably from a side of the country where people aren't so outspoken and wild as people here.
I don't want to be specific but I'm from the South and where I live, if you're not apart of a more strict Church culture (and honestly that doesn't always matter) people are very outspoken. I'm pretty sure this kind of behavior has added to my anxiety because it's just as I say it.
And I can shock you even more. You said you never heard of a woman bringing up circumcision for her son or dates, etc. Bro, people will put you on the spot for anything they want here and everyone thinks it's funny. It's been this way since kindergarten. Anywhere at school, the lunchroom, someones living room when you're just hanging out. It's as if everyone is extremely extroverted. At one of my jobs I walked into the lunchroom and there were a a few of the girls I knew at a table talking. Nothing special, just 4 other employees I see everyday. While getting a drink they all got quiet and one of the girls (she's actually sexy, but would never go for someone like me) says "OK! I gotta ask you a question!" The other girl says "Yes! then yells my name and says "we gotta know!" And then the first one says "How big is your dick! Cause some of yall lie so much on how much big it is, is yours big?" One of the other girls says "He probably big, it's always those quiet ones that got that dick" And saying all kinds of other shit. I basically said something like I don't know, I'm alright" and kinda laughed my way out of it. And they were all saying different things from "[my name] big but he shy" to "just tell us."
This is why some people at work will think I'm lame but I have a problem being in crowds when we're off the work floor. Or even somewhere else entirely like a restaurant. Because they do this, it's generally only when there's multiple women. But since I already have that in the back of my mind I tend not to let it happen too often. I went out with some work people once which was a rarity for me and this woman, who doesn't look bad I gotta be honest. She was older than me though. She grabbed my dick. And that same night she tried to grab the waiters dick. Our male coworkers just laughed it off and kept drinking, the waiter laughed it off and made a joke to her. So I obviously had to find away to change the subject. This is how people are here. I think the best way to put it is people are not reserved at all. I have family in other states and the thing I notice instantly anytime I visit is how different people are there. It's actually a turn on. I've been out and there girls there I didn't know and we were just hanging out and it's a big turn on that the girls aren't that way. I would imagine that they have to get to know you better, and maybe end up drunk or something before anything like that even happens. But it's actually sexy to me that they are just normal and quiet. But people come down here to get with these wild country women. That's what a lot of people love. These wild crazy girls. And honestly I envy it a little because if I was cut I wouldn't have missed out on as much as I did. Like the shit I could have done from highschool and beyond is absolutely insane. These girls are insane. I know you're from Canada, but even in the states, you can ask around and they will tell you southern girls are a different animal. Especially depending on the specific southern state. These are the types to make girls from New Jersey and California blush. It's insane man.
And the other thing that happens is a girl will put you on the spot and want to set you up with another girl. But instead of it being a regular set up for a date she just puts you on the spot to fuck the girl, in front of her and everyone. My friend, a female, that I knew for years, she just walks up in front of me and like 5 other people and says I feel like you should just fuck [girls name] and just get it out of yall system! Seriously! Everyone in the back is "ooh shit" you know, and the girl is right there so she's looking at me and making little jokes like "i get off at 3" or something and they aren't backing down. My friend is still staring at me wanting an answer and the girl is staring at me and so are the others. There's no way to not look awkward in that case. But 99% of the guys in that situation would be like fuck yea im hitting that tonight or something. And girls do ask guys to fuck as well. Girls have asked me many times over the years and you don't even have to know them. One girl made it hard to turn down, she asked me to fuck at work, on the work floor. She asked me where I lived. She wouldn't take no for an answer. Said she would make it easy for me and I wouldn't have to do anything. Told me to just calm down and she will come over, have a quick fuck, then leave. She wasn't even my type regardless of this circ anxiety. But do you know how many guys were fucking girls at my job? And I couldn't live that down anytime soon because even after she left that job, wouldn't you know it, in this small ass town, her cousin worked there and would make a comment to me here and there with a smile. Just a light tease, like I come into work and she'd be like "you didn't wanna fuck huh lol" stuff like that.
Dude, I could go on and on. Even parents of my friends growing up were like this to a certain extent. It's just the culture I guess but I've spent time in other states and never dealt with this. I'm not saying they were prudes but they just weren't so wild and crazy like here. So I think I rambled on a bit but my point was I try not to be in a situation like that because I don't want the circumcision question. I can kinda deal with another size question or another question about fucking this girl or fucking the person asking the question, but I don't want to be asked if I'm circumcised by a girl, in front of like 5 girls and 2 guys. Because if I answered I think I would just find an excuse to quit lol. Not worth the shit I would get.