Guys! Women rarely give us the whole the truth about how good or bad it is in the bedroom. We don’t tend to communicate often enough to our gals either though. Heck, when’s the last time you’ve told a woman you’re sleeping with, that her pussy’s getting too loose and she needs to do kegels, or told her she should kick her hips up towards you and stop laying there like a dead fish? Probably not to often right? ? Thus, the reason for this post… Regular hand jobs are something woman will do for us with or without a foreskin there. They’ll adapt to what we have, and what we tell them we like, in that regard. Sometimes, it’s obvious they’re having a ball playing foreskin peekaboo, and mastering the skin flute. Those times can be fun, but once sex begins, everything becomes far more relative, when it comes to their pleasure and our effectiveness. Once it’s graduated to full on banging, cut or uncut, big or little, machine-gun rhythm banging or R&B slow rhythm, honeybadger or hummingbird endurance, we’re still only one man, among the x number of guys they’ve been with. Because of this, we’ve always gotten to this point, and then been stuck, wondering: how many times did you come, of coarse you did… but how many times(they can kinda run together), was it good for you too babe, was this worth remembering (in comparison to your past experiences you’ve had with the men who’ve come before me)? Even it seems obvious that you’ve earned yourself good marks for those questions on the test, there’s still one question (if you live in a country with a genital cutting culture) that often many women aren’t observant enough to answer for themselves, much less us… Did sex feel better for you being that I’m intact? Did you enjoy the feeling of that foreskin moving back-and-forth inside of you? There’s no way to ask that after the the fact, that doesn’t leave them in a position to say “no”, without simultaneously hurting your feelings and damaging what pride you have with regards to your “manhood”. That’s why, of all the things a girl could say, or do (to prove that she loves the feeling of a man’s foreskin inside her) nothing is more powerful, honest, or sexy, than seeing her reach down when a guest already inside her, grab the base of his shaft, and greedily pull as much foreskin up to, and inside of her pussy as she possibly can, and keeps holding it against herself like that, to get the most rolling & gliding she can, as he continues to pump. It’s the only kind of handjob that a woman can give a guy, that brings her as much pleasure as it gives the guys. All thanks to his foreskin. I love it when a woman does this to me!
Here the first video link. Starts a little after 11:27.
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