I agree with everything said I too think man made religion rituals shouldn't be allowed its bogus if I create a religion that requires pinkies cut off would it be allowed? Freedom of religion should stop at body parts being cut off its insane!
Quite honestly one of the reasons religious circumcision is accepted because it's so accepted in America. As mentioned historically jews were kind of afraid because much of the world didn't circumcise and they were prosecuted for it. See what romans, nazis, Russians and other nations did to them. You could point them out by their circumcision status.
I read somewhere that jews loved when circumcision became so rampant in America because they could practice circumcision without judgment. That's why when circumcision is being so questioned now they are afraid. Someone told me 30% of doctors in america are jewish not sure how accurate it is. Also that jews control much of Hollywood and US media again could be conspiracy theories.
But it makes sense on why circumcision is so pushed in america and elsewhere by US doctors and US media helps with stigmatize of uncircumcised guys. Because jews don't want america specifically to stop circumcising because then they'll be judged again. When countries in Europe try to ban circumcision who right away jumps to stop it? Israel, jews and america in the name of religious freedom complete bullshit. Aztecs did human sacrifice for religion should we allow that? All religious rituals including circumcision should be banned.
Muslims are not as loud as jews and quite frankly islam does other things you can focus on that are just as bad. Sharia law, jihad, treatment of women, hijabs, etc. that circumcision is just added to the list.
Other reason to justify circumcision are bullshit. All possible medical benefits are extremely small and can be easily fixed with condoms, antibiotics, and proper hygiene. Statistically a very small percentage of men will ever need legit circumcision. Doctors especially American don't know anything about foreskin care and are trigger happy to recommend circumcision.
For hiv if africans are stupid enough not to use condoms or to sleep with someone without knowing their hiv staus that's their problem. Same goes with gays and drug users. It's ludicrous that circumcision can be encouraged by the WHO or anyone else to curb hiv when they are other cheaper and safer methods like condoms and antirerival medicine to use. Circumcision is a surgery looking for a disease constantly. Either way Circumcision is not medically required or mandatory recommended by any health organization and should only be done when there is a legit medical reason not for preventing bs pro circumcision people love to use as a excuse. We don't cut off appendix from babies for prevention why is circumcision allowed on defenseless babies?
The answer will always be circumcised men trying to justify their circumcision. Using bullshit like man made religion, right of passage crap which proves we're no better then animals, or because men for some reason wants their sons to match them. Small potential medical benefits is just a convenience. Women are brainwashed to go along culturally and this is where propaganda and stigmatization can be used as well. Regardless circumcision won't go away in our lifetime and can't tell what will happen in the future.
Sorry for my rant and if someone chooses circumcision or you had a legit medical reason I have no issues with that. But for it to be pushed for bullshit reasons on babies and children that's just sick.