I am 100% sure women care about everything other than the cock
Yep. That's been my experience. With just a couple of exceptions, and they were fucked-up girls, trying to fill an emotional hole (daddy issues) with a physical act.
And yet, every man on Earth will go ga-ga over porn, which is all about girls going after cock.
Funny, that. And so many women hate porn and won't let their men enjoy it.
In a 20-year relationship (with a hot girl, BTW), I can think of a handful of times I got her to "do porn sex" with me. Not filming, just acting out things she likely wouldn't have thought of. She cooperated, with enthusiasm. Still, I had to lead her there.
One thing I've learned about women is, they have different desires and needs. They can seem foreign to us, but they're completely natural.
For all their ambitions, women remain smaller than men and they feel less capable. In primitive times, they would marvel at the village men bringing home meat -- something they know they could never do. That sense of "second to men" persists in their atavistic minds. I don't think it will ever change.
They seek security, comfort, provision. Even if they say they don't want children or they're past childbearing age, they want a man to provide them with a safe place suitable for a family.
Don't get distracted with exceptions, with fantasies, with porn.
Seek to be the man, the safety and security a woman needs but doesn't always say out loud. It's not a macho thing, it's just what we are built for.
Supply that, and a woman will meet your needs in turn.