We have a [Login to see the link] available to assist with creating new discussions.
To use it, simply create a new bookmark with the following address:
javascript:(function(){var newURI='https://straight-foreskin.com/composer?content=%27+encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(window.getSelection()))+%27%20%20source:%20%27+encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(window.location.href))+%27&title=%27+encodeURIComponent(document.title.replace(%27%20%27,%27%20%27));%20window.location.href=newURI;})();
When you see something you want to post, highlight the title of the video and click the bookmarklet. A composer window will be loaded automatically with the text you selected as the title and a link to the source in the post.
You must be logged into this website first for it to work correctly.