Over the 15 years that this forum has existed in one form or another, the type of content that gets posted has changed; and it continues to do so.
We’re now getting a lot more links to what are essentially podcasts of audio/radio interviews & chats that have been captured on video. We want to keep actual porn separated out from discussions about porn so the Videos primary tag is not appropriate for these, even with the Talk secondary tag - that’s intended to be for where someone says something about foreskin while engaging in sex, as it says in the description.
We had been using the Podcasts secondary tag (under the Audio primary tag) but have now created a new one for Vodcasts. This is also filed under the Audio tag, even though there is a video component, because similar things should be grouped together and the video component is almost irrelevant.
So if you’re posting a link to a podcast that’s audio only, please add the Audio -> Podcasts tags.
If you’re posting a link to a vodcast or a video of a podcast / radio interview, please add the Audio -> Vodcasts tags.