No idea who they are but their names are Shona River and Kiara Lord.
I had the full podcast downloaded but couldn’t get through it because it’s so boring, the girl on the right is terrible and the guy is super annoying. Seriously, like male feminist or something so it wasn’t good but I knew they would get to this topic and thankfully he posted a snippet of it himself so I didn’t have to lol. I was interested in what they were going to talk about because the guy is from the UK and uncut (if I interpreted him correctly) and the girls are from a non english speaking country. So no one from the US in this conversation.
The one on the right is rude (like on the full podcast) but even on this clip while the host, the guy, is talking at 3:51 she tries to get him to stop talking by saying “anyways!” as in who cares I guess. And of course she gives the most overused, cliche response about uncut guys ever. I’m really fascinated by how braindead that answer is. You’ll see what im talking about…
The cool part though is the girl on the left prefers uncut and doesn’t think what the girl on the right says is a big deal at all. And once the guy shares her same thoughts the girl on the right starts to back peddle like she didn’t say what she originally said.
I got the clip downloaded in case it goes down and if I’m around I’ll post the download link. But here’s YT link.