cut-cocks-are-ugly [Login to see the link] Minor mention at 6:34 [Login to see the link] Just sucking. [Login to see the link] [Login to see the link] Constant mentions of foreskin and uncut cocks [Login to see the link] Minor mention at 7 seconds. [Login to see the link] Skip to 3:50 to see her utilize the foreskin attatchment. [Login to see the link] [Login to see the link] “Uncircumcised” mentions at 54 seconds. More mentions at 1:00 and 1:20 [Login to see the link] Mentions at 33 seconds. 1:02. 3:31, and 7:09 [Login to see the link] Multiple minor mentions throughout. Best mention at 2:54 [Login to see the link] Mentions between 1:07-1:23, 3:32-3:48, 4:04