intact Lots of interesting findings, one of which is that more men today want to be intact, than just a few years ago. [Login to see the link]
MrMeTheFirst Surprising result “Most Men Know If They Are Circumcised”? I’m more surprised by the 5.1% who answered “Not sure” or “Well, I do now” to “Do you know if you are circumcised?”. That’s 1 in 20 men who don’t know if part of their dick was cut off.
intact MrMeTheFirst Never assume everyone knows what you know about a subject you care about. One inactivist put it this way: “Our arguments should come across less like ‘Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’ and more like ‘Foreskins for Dummies.’”
Squirrel intact Foreskins for Dummies This takes on a different meaning in countries where baby pacifiers are know as ‘dummies’!