circhead st33rpike you mean your foreskin is even more loose than manuel f? you guys are lucky man lol. i would rip my skin and frenulum sliding in anything. intact ill check it out again but i don’t think i have phimosis. i just have a short tight skin with a frenulum that keeps everything in place tightly. it seems two big at the top of the underside. it spans across more than others and its short. i tried for years trying to stretch that and unlike my foreskin it’s no budging. it wasn’t until i looked up stretching techniques that i was able to retract while erect at all. that was 7 to 8 years ago. about 5 years in i realized its also my frenulum. so after researching that that’s when i discovered frenulum tying and frenulum removal. the only problem is it’s not always 100%. if it doesn’t work you can do a partial circ or full circ. i don’t like the look of a partial, and i don’t want to deal with the frenulum right now. so it’s a catch 22. but i feel i need to do something but i prefer being discreet with family so im not even sure how i would schedule something like this anyway once ready.
intact circhead I’m saying the same methods (stretching with steroid cream) could resolve the frenulum issue.
circhead DustyTrombone2 when you’re the only one not looking like that you feel a little different. although if i could be like winston burbank i would be happier.
Pineginger ghost I see you’re a fan of excess foreskin! About your son, I’m glad you decided to go against the norms and keep him intact. Have you had the “talk” about why he’s “different”? I ask this as an uncut guy in a society that fully performs circumcision, in some way I relate, so I’m very intrigued. I can message me if you feel uncomfortable.
justblank xevv Yes exactly. A long floppy overhang is niche within niche so is hard to come by. And yes I would be curious to hear of experiences if you start at uncut and “restore” to get even longer. So would like a long overhang, but living vicariously thru vids is the next best thing. We have discussed this before but in case you missed it check this [Login to see the link] Have never seen any others that focus on long overhang.
xevv justblank Fuck, that’s hot. Shame that it’s censored. Not much happened during my attempts to extend my foreskin length. I tried stretching manually using my hands. I’d have 3-4 sessions per day where I’d stretch for about 10-20 minutes. Every time I went to use the bathroom, I’d stretch for about a minute or two. I’d aim to get at least an hour’s worth of stretching per day. I’ve had three attempts total. First and second attempts went on for a month or two. Third attempt went on for about 6 months. I didn’t really notice any increase in length between all of this stretches. One of these days, I might try buying a stretching device and see how that goes.
4skinnyblondes ghost ghost yes!! Pop movement, not sound .. although that IS nice too 😉 Love the enthusiasm 😛
intact 4skinnyblondes This brings to mind experiences with my ex-wife. On those occasions when I was horny at the wrong time of the month for her, she’d have me jerk off onto her belly – and loved to hear my foreskin “snap” coming off the glans with each stroke.
drat Uncutusa8 every time this photo is posted, I think it’s the second or third time I’ve seen it on here, I automatically get drawn to the image. I don’t know it it’s Brandi or the huge two tone penis that gets my attention or both but it’s hard not to not stare at if for me. I think I said this on a different post with the same image, I can’t explain why but yeah it’s attractive for me. Now would I choose that penis for myself I could? I don’t know but maybe 😉
circhead drat would be interesting to hear a story about if he was teased about how drastic his look is.
needsastickynote I’ll say I actually love my dick, and for me it has the best size, shape, and movement of foreskin. For all real life applications, its perfect for me. HOWEVER if I was to make a life out of sex and being a sex object, the pornstar Clover has the best dick. Danny D has a great one as well, but I think the shape of Clover’s is much better (last pic has them both and you can compare them): If I had to be circumcised, Bruce Venture’s would absolutely be my pick!
circhead needsastickynote I would choose clover over danny. more retractibility if that makes sense lol. And we have another vote for Bruce lol yea, i wonder if he can feel anything. Thanks.
needsastickynote circhead Based on how Bruce cums in his videos, I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t have much feeling. He looks like he reacts most to his lower shaft being stroked, and when he cums he has a death grip up towards his glans, and then the cum just kind of dribbles out. In a few videos I watched he even pulled his lower shaft skin up like a foreskin after cumming.
circhead needsastickynote damn. well to be fair the ejaculation isn’t just about feeling, it could be muscles, prostate all kinds of stuff. not everyone explodes lol. but yea i bet he can’t feel anything! its a catch22 for him im sure, he can go and go but soon he’ll get soft after losing feeling. what method do you think he got? freehand? i mean that’s extreme. [Login to see the link] another extreme two tone. what were these mothers thinking cutting their sons so tight?