[Login to see the link] You foreskin functions correctly though at least. You may remember my posts from years ago about how I didn’t even know the foreskin could retract when erect at all. i couldn’t fathom how uncut guys had sex and everyone around me is cut. friends, family, all cut. my foreskin is extremely tight and after about maybe 9 or so years total at this point, maybe a little less, i reached my maximum amount of retracting i can and thats when i realized i have a very short frenulum and that’s what’s creating most of the havoc. the thought of penetration at all makes me whince because of how tight it is and my foreskin doesn’t retract on its own either. it has to be done very slowly and its super tight behind the head and i can’t do anything with that. i will 100% tear if i do anything involving penetration. and not just my foreskin but i will tear my frenulum and that’s what i don’t want. the corrective procedure for that and healing time makes circumcision seem almost like a no brainer if i go that far.
i need frenulum removal or full circ. i’ve looked into it enough to know that you end up having to get cut depending on how you are after the procedure is over. im not even going to attempt the creams.
But anyway, if i was like those guys that are uncut but their foreskin totally goes back and forth like it’s supposed to i wouldn’t even bother wanting to be cut. and i can’t even be like what you want as far as the skin staying up because naturally my foreskin only covers half my head while flaccid. and stays the same hard but just gets tighter.
[Login to see the link] i would like to hear more about your son if you’re okay with that, can you message me?
and i don’t know about the guys at your school, but everyone around me growing up looked like Alex Adams (the first pic in my post). give or take a few skin shades.
also, this is quickly becoming your thread now, please encourage others to post their opinions because i may look like i’m taking over your thread lol.
the poll is neck and neck though…
[Login to see the link] he is in my list for number 3. If I could pull back like he does I would be totally happy. I can’t insert without tearing. foreskin is one thing but i don’t want to feel the pain of ripping my frenulum. and some of these guys don’t understand how lucky they are having that much movement and being born with a different type of frenulum altogether. not just a longer one, but attached differently. it makes a difference.