but other than that you have a pretty normal foreskin? you’re not like me with a tight foreskin are you? because im wondering if that’s my issue. i don’t really get pleasure from my head or the foreskin and frenulum because the skin is so tight and i can’t do anything with it really. so i’ve always just tried to get as much leverage under the head to work with to jerk off. that’s another reason why i’ve looked into getting cut, i know about the loss of sensation, but once i retracted the first time and started to get over the feeling of retracting, and then stimulation, it didn’t take long to realize i already don’t feel that much. my foreskin won’t stay retracted, but when i’ve experimented with being retracted in clothing, i noticed its only uncomfortable on one little spot on the underside of my foreskin that;s rolled back, i dont feel anything on the head. and from the time i was a kid to adult its always been uncomfortable when clothing touches my urethra, retracted or not, because my foreskin only covers half my head when flaccid and when hard it is still in the same spot and squeezes so that’s not changed.
so that’s why even after hearing those horror stories of guys losing all their pleasure when they got cut didn’t really scare me because i never had those wonderful experiences these guys have with all the pleasure and long foreskin, etc.
sorry long reply but there’s no where else to get info anymore lol
you go retracted for pleasure a lot you mean? and then easing off brings the feeling back?
intact yea, im just inquiring because i don’t get it really anywhere…