Well, a big factor is that Utah Medicaid doesn’t reimburse for routine circumcision. [Login to see the link] In those states, the RIC rate is always lower. It drops along with reimbursement, and insurance companies tend to follow Medicaid.
ICGI used to head up the “Medicaid Project” as it was called, where intactivists would lobby state officials to drop RIC reimbursement from Medicaid. It was, IMO, one of the most successful intactivist efforts, but it seems to have lost leadership with ICGI’s demise. (I met with my state legislator about it; he seemed put off by the whole conversation. The state Medicaid board discussed my proposal on the record, but I wasn’t present and it got dissed by some doctor on the board who claimed Medicaid would have to spend more doing later-in-life circumcisions. No one disagreed.)
As for Mormons, I’ve been told that they tend to go with the culture they live in. They have debated among themselves whether the present practice of RIC is truly of God or a man-made thing (it is the latter), but I don’t think the church has an official position. One female intactivist I know said the elders quash discussion because they think it’s distasteful, especially if raised by a woman.
And on the contrary, one ex-Mormon I dated was also an RN and mother of two boys. She was all-in for circumcision.
In my age bracket, the ex-Mormons seem open to anything rebellious, which a foreskin can be to them.