Yeah, I'm the one who originally posted it and I warned people it was a lot of gigabytes for very little talk. But hey I downloaded it. It is a very unusual piece of content and adds a certain richness to my collection.
And it was interesting as she claimed to be a nursing student (although she had some fancy politically correct name for it) and it was obviously her first cut dick ever. She looked genuinly annoyed and confused LOL! Kind of like a blonde with a coffee mug that has printed on it 'How to keep a blonde occupied for hours and hours' with an arrow pointing right so she'll keep turning the cup around and around.
She was also kind of ugly and sleazy. I can imagine her in a few years once she's a bitchy nurse getting some rich perverted old circumcised guy in a nursing home to put her in his will and then adding arsenic to his ennema. But she's kind of dumb so we'll probably see her on TV after she's been caught and awaiting execution and everyone's demanding that the Govenor pardon her because she's a poor little immigrant nurse.
Anyway, it was a nice effort by speedy to try to dig up some unique content.