If the Taylor Swift reference is based on that rumour about her demanding that her British bf get cut then I have my doubts. Because her new bf is also British (Scottish). Some DJ or something so she seems to have gone back for more.
Debra Messing is accurate. In fact if you google you can find her holding some African teenager's hand (from a distance like she doesn't want to get too close) while he's getting cut. I'm sure that the circ list perverts extracted many hours of wanking from that one. I wouldn't be surprised if they've got 'tribute shots' of it all over the place.
Sandra Bollock - the source was a People magazine article where she bragged about having her adopted accessory cut. She said it was 'beautiful' to watch. BTW, does she look like a transvestite or what?! She's got Joe Nameth's chin for fuck's sake and a jaw line squarer that her co-star in that B-grade astronaut flick!
And Hillary Clinton. She's pro circ and is more of a celebrity than a polly given that her claim to fame is being the wife of an ex-President (who's also officially pro-circ)