Yes I heard of the Seinfeld episode never watched it don't want to. There is also a South Park episode too making fun of being uncircumcised. I hate South Park so I wouldn't watch it anyway.
I know what you're saying sometimes I wish the US had less influence on the world. Think about it when a white police officer kills a black guy in the USA the whole world erupts. Most media and movies world wide are made in Hollywood. Canadian movies made here don't stand a chance.
The UK does have movie series like Harry Potter to compete but still when was there a world wide blockbuster not made in the states?
Honestly I do feel the average girl doesn't care about pennis type or if a guy is uncut. I know that doesn't help and like you said the shaming culture exists. Circumcised guys hear what some girls say and jump on it.
Like anything else that puts people down I try to avoid it. Other then the shows we mentioned yes on forums youtube etc US media always tries to influence the world to certain agendas one being anti uncut. And time to time I find the same hate over again.
A reason I wrote my original post is to make myself feel better too you know. I HAVE seen many girls recently on all online platforms even youtube say they don't care anymore if a guy is cut or uncut. On forums same thing many women say even if they have a circumcised preference they still will not turn a guy down if he's uncut.
The solice I have is regardless of tv shows or media a uncut guy in uk will still have no problem with girls just because they still are the norm there. Same for europe or anywhere else with low circumcision rates. Yes even in countries like UK USA media is trying to influence girl's minds but just based on numbers a girl there won't be the only one with a uncut guy it's the
opposite a girl with a cut guy is rare.
You said that being cut is turning into a ice breaker? It made me think a bit. I wish I can say something to help I still feel bad that you had negative experiences. Some girls are just so ignorant it's infuriating! If a new trend was to chop a left ear off for cosmetic reasons would all girls start chopping their ears off? It's far fetch but seems girls are easily influenced and follow the herd mentality more then guys.
The only thing I can think is to separate what I see through media and online stuff and what I actually experienced. Whenever I was going on a date or about to have sex with a girl the fact I'm uncircumcised never crossed my mind. A girl never asked if I was cut they simply wanted to get to know me. When it came to sex again nothing bad happened maybe the girl never noticed but with my ex girlfriends and my wife they did know.
I really wish I can give better advice but I learned on forums that giving personal experiences can help situations. I'm not the only one uncircumcised that didn't have bad experiences my brother and friends didn't and I read on forums all the time from uncut guys say being uncut never hurt their sex lives with girls.
Sounds selfish but sometimes im so glad I wasn't born in the states. The being the only girl with a uncut guy thing sounds like a american situation. I'm not trying to bash the states but it's where you hear the negative attitude and thanks to modern media other girls hear this and thinks it's normal when it isn't. Whenever I go to Europe to see my relatives there's US influence everywhere from rap music to McDonald's so of course the anti uncut attitude spreads. I just think it won't entrench because again pure numbers with a uncut male majority girls don't have a choice like they would in the US. I HATE describing it this way but it's the best I can think of.
My hope with declining rates being uncut will be more and more normal like Europe. I do feel with Canada's rate being way lower then the states and still dropping that it maybe helped with me not having a negative experience with a girl? I sometimes wish I don't have the internet because if I base solely in real life experiences I wouldn't know this hate for uncut men.
If the US circumcision rate continues to decline as well maybe in 20 or 30 years uncut guys there will be more common and normal that US girls won't be so negative. Like in canada because of our low rate (32% in 2009 but I feel it's lower now) most canadian girls experience both and I think because of that they're more accepting? I don't know maybe I'm grasping at straws. Me and wife don't have kids yet but we plan to and of course if we have a boy we won't circumcise. At least in canada he'll be the majority not the minority.
Intact above said it best that once a girl gets to the point of wanting to sleep with you usually there's something they like about you that despite preference they will not turn you away. Guess that's what happened to me.
But like you said you did have bad experiences. It's personal don't share if you don't want to it's nobodies business. My opinion is if a girl is so turned off by someone being uncut they're a arrogant bitch and they're not worth being with anyway.
Thanks for the conversation circhead it's helping me get some stuff off my chest. If you feel it's not helping you then I won't say anymore. I admit I have self esteem issues occasionally about being uncut I thought getting married would change that but it hasn't even though my wife is amazing I still allow what others say online get to me. Shows the power of media I guess I never had a negative experience being uncut with girls or anything else and I still have issues because of what I hear or see online and on shows. Hope everything will work out it usually does!