First I want to say thank you to everyone for responding to my post it was my first one I started on this site. Also thanks to anyone who read all my posts I know they are long and boring sometimes I am working on it! Coworkers tell me all the time I talk too much lol.
As regards to being worried about what women would think or turning down sex because you're worried of being insulted or hurt my experience will be different from you guys. I'm from a different country (canada) so I do believe there is automatically a difference in how women would respond.
I'm not trying to bash american girls I know they're not all the same and lots are probably very sweet just that they have been groomed from birth to think uncut guys are different or even unhygienic. Also majority of Americans are cut so that's what girls get used to seeing.
In canada it's just different uncut is more common and recently 2 thirds of babies here are left intact so girls here are less surprised when they encounter someone who's uncut. But I do believe that shouldn't effect sex life.
I myself is almost 40 and it took a while to accept myself. I too had self esteem issues still do a little despite being married. But to be honest I never turned away sex or actually had a girl even bring up that I'm uncut. Maybe I was just naive but when I got with a girl or started dating one I wasn't worried that me being uncircumcised would effect anything. But once I started seeing stuff mainly online and shows insulting uncut guys I really started to think low of myself.
But I decided when I was young to say screw it I am who I am and if I ever meet a girl who doesn't like that I have foreskin then screw her she's not worth it. It never happened but I do feel having this mentality will help anyone who's worried on what others might think. I have been working really hard on getting over my self esteem issues and honestly ever since I got married I too am more at peace with myself. I hope I helped with my answer accepting yourself is a big step.