To be fair, if you’ve ever eaten out a chick who really doesn’t know how to properly wash her vagina, the experience is mostly revolting. I agree that the idea that the specific preference in question should be based on hygiene is ridiculous if one takes even a moment to think about it, but the culture of circumcision and its commitment to the “hygiene” falsehood has pervaded our society so deeply that the apparent ability to wash our genitals has become tangled with their mutilation, conceptually speaking. Therefore, it isn’t exactly a stretch for the simple-minded, especially those where circumcision, foreskin, or penises in general do not occupy any critical brain space, to misguidedly associate circumcision with hygiene.
I also agree that I mostly don’t care about the aesthetics of a vagina, but, frankly, we know that dicks are not granted the same sort of aesthetic immunity. Further, while I don’t particularly care about how a vagina looks, I do care about how it smells. I would rather not stuff my face in the dumpster behind a hotel restaurant after clams casino night when I’m trying to cum. Certainly the proposition that a woman cut off her labia to solve the issue is an absurd and cruel one, but I would contend that the proponents of its masculine parallel are not aware that they are pushing that narrative.
TL;DR: I agree, but the associative power of smell and its influence on preference is still powerful for reasons that are rooted far deeper than aesthetics.