absolutely agree on this. I’m not a simp at all, but if I had enough spare money, I would even donate to her without a porn video already, cause it seems like she does really good work to normalize a normal penis in America. I have massive respect for that. It’s for a good cause.
I can also understand her point, that she doesn’t want millions of freeloaders jerking off to her and making her so famous, that she can’t go out in public anymore without being harassed. As long as there are enough people paying the price that she is satisfied with her income, it’s wonderful and her choice to do so anyway.
Of course it’s also our choice to not spend so much money on something, when there are literally billions of alternatives to those videos. Although I admit I really want to see more of her 😄
I wish Clara all the best though, that she can make a good living with her stuff and as a nice side effect make some people happy and hopefully also has an influence that some future boys can keep their dick. Keep it up Clara 💪 [Login to see the link]