haven’t made a regular post like this in a long time. but in case there’s different people here, do any of you guys have tight foreskin or “short” foreskin? and do you do anything or are you going to do anything? what’s it like for you? we’ve had posts like these and i’ve made some before but a quick recap is i have really tight foreskin and a short frenulum. My foreskin also doesn’t cover my head completely even when soft. it was even tighter years ago. i talked about how i couldn’t even retract for my whole life when hard at all. once i started trying to do it it took me years to get there. and since then i’ve stayed where i am, i haven’t had anymore stretch. i can only retract to just over the crown. not only that but if i don’t retract, especially when hard, for a few days, i lose progress so to speak. it becomes another somewhat annoying painful battle to be able to retract to the point where i could before. but while soft i’ve never had trouble retracting to clean or something but never thought to even try to retract when hard growing up.
i was planning on just having my frenulum removed to avoid the full circumcision back when i thought it was only because my frenulum is short so i thought about that so i can have the ability to retract with ease but over the years with the research and learning more it’s obvious its both foreskin and frenulum. i was still leaning more towards the frenectomy but if that doesn’t work the next thing to do is getting circumcised and i really don’t want to have to go back so may as well tough it out and be done with it. i should say though that those are my options at least. i haven’t tried steroid cream. i don’t know why but i get the feeling it wouldn’t work for me and sadly ive seen too many guys say the same thing but not only that, it’s the fact that the steroid cream if anything is for th foreskin. so even if it did work i would have a easier pliable foreskin but still can’t retract because of the frenulum and now we’re back to square one. and the the other option is getting your foreskin slit to have more room. no way am i doing that. it doesn’t look good. and still the issue of the frenulum.
i honestly don’t have the money for it anymore when i was saving up, somthing always comes up. family stuff and so on and i can’t imagine the recovery time. i have a few people i’ve spoken to who had it done and they took it like a pro but i really don’t want to do anything to iritate the new wound. some guys act before they think so they think they are doing well until they mess something up. in the event i got this done i plan on not leaving the house for like a month total lol. i need someone to bring me, and take me back home. and before its all set up i will stock the place with food, water, and all the healing stuf like gauze, and creams and stuff. i just don’t know when or if ill ever do it but its hard (no pun inteded or maybe intended) because i can’t insert it into anything. barely can insert it into a sex toy that ive widen out on purpose and lubed up to test out my progress. my foreskin and frenulum stays in place super tight until sharp pain and eventual rip which i avoid. and its worse when hard obviously because there’s more tention. and risking ripping it means a possible emergency trip to get circumcised in a way that i wouldn’t want to. i used to do things passively to kinda force myself to get circumcised by doing things intact guys shouldn’t but luckily nothing happened. if i get cut i rather do it the right way and not get the emergency kind and then have to go back to make changes.
as much as i have wanted to be circumcised my whole life (long story) if i could retract as easy as say winston burbank for instance:
*Edit (forgot the names so had to find the names of these pornstars so you guys don’t have to figure out who im talking about)
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i wouldn’t brother. im sure we are all familiar with him. i wonder if that guy even feels his foreskin or frenulum. it goes back with no problem at all and to the best of my knowledge i don’t think i ever saw him whince in pain. maybe he’s numb? i know his stuff was old but ive seen a lot of them.
other than that i wish i could have a circumcised appearance similar to:
sean lawless:
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or alex adams:
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but if i was like winston i honestly wouldn’t mind at this point, especially. years ago it would still be an issue for aesthetic reasons but now i could live with myself if i was like that I think.
so do any of you guys have that? any phimosis type stuff? if not consider yourself lucky and thanks for reading.